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Event Logs

The LOGS & REPORTS > Event Log page lists the event logs.

By default, the following information is listed on the page

Time – The time of the event in YYYY:MM:DD HH:MM:SS

Username – The username of the user.

Log – The details of the event

View Event Logs

  • The drop-down at the top of the page has options to view the events by Today, Week, Month, and Date Range.

  • Click the Search events drop-down to select the events you want to view. More than one event can be added in the field.

The following 121 events can be viewed.

Gateway Logout Gateway Login User Accessed Authorized Application
User Accessed Unauthorised Application User Login Failure User Portal Login Failure
User Login OTP Failure User Device Bind Failed User Device Check Failed
User Windows Offline Login User Windows Invalid Credentials Device Suspended
User Agent Login User Agent Logout User Agent Login Failure
Device Activated User Installed Agent Successfully AD User
AD User Group User Agent Configuration Update Gateway Agent Configuration Update
User Device Check Authorized Device Approved User Login using Authorized Device
User Login via OTP Success User Agent Login Attempt Device Pending Approval
Company Added New Admin added New Subscription added
ISC server edited ISC server added updated controller
updated gateway started controller restarted controller
User Portal Login User Portal Logout deleted controller(s)
deleted gateway updated gateway deleted active directory
added ldap updated ldap deleted ldap
added radius updated radius updated company details
updated company banner updated business contact updated tech contact
updated renewal contact updated dns-wns details changed password
added new user deleted a company user searched in group
added group updated group deleted group
added device check deleted device check added ACL
updated ACL details deleted ACL updated application group
deleted application group added application service deleted application service
added application group added active directory added controller
updated active directory added gateway stopped controller
commited controller User Edit Device Check Edit
Device Delete Google Delete Google Edit
Google Add SubAdmin Role Add SubAdmin Role Edit
SubAdmin Role Delete SubAdmin Add SubAdmin Delete
SubAdmin Disable SubAdmin Enable Report Subscription Add
Report Subscription Update Report Subscription Delete Device Add
Device Edit Active Directory Sync Success Active Directory Sync Failure
LDAP Sync Success LDAP Sync Failure Gateway downloaded
User downloaded User Password Reset User Password Changed
User viewed QR code User Profile Updated User Account confirmed
deleted radius User Settings Updated User Suspended
User Activated Export Log Added Export Log Updated
Export Log Deleted Local Password Policy Updated updated application service
User force disconnected Gateway force disconnected User Device Registered
user geo binding failure User Windows MFA Success User Windows MFA Failure
User Windows MFA Bypass

Download Session Log List

ISA web portal administrators can download the event logs by Today, Week, Month, or Date Range by clicking the CSV button at the top of the page. After setting the date, select the events from the drop-down list. An email with the link to download the file in CSV format is sent to the logged-in administrator’s email address.

1.Select the drop-down to select the date.

2.Click the Search events drop-down and select the events.

3.Click the CSV button.

4.A message that an email is scheduled to be sent to the administrator’s email address is displayed.

5.Click Download File within the email.

6.View the file in a spreadsheet application.

Navigating the Event Logs page

The Event Log page allows easy pagination for viewing a large number of events. You can view the list by using the navigation control bar at the top right of the page.

Click the drop-down box to select the number of events to be displayed on the Event Log page. By default, it is set to display 10 entries.. You can change it to display either 30 or 50.

Click the Next button to view the next page of events. Click the Prev button to view the previous page.

Searching Event Logs

You can search the list by name by entering it in the search box.

Sorting the Session Log

You can sort the list by Log. Click the up/down arrow alongside the header field.


The Event Log page is useful for the ISA web portal administrators to track events.
