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Configuring Report Subscriptions

The Settings > Report Subscriptions page allows the ISA web portal administrator to add profiles to send periodic reports by email to various recipients. The following reports can be added to the profile:

Live Users Event Log Access Policies
Live Gateways User Last Login Report Controllers
Data Usage User Report Auth Profile Report
Time Usage Gateways Auth Profile Group Report
Login Failures User Group Device Checks
Session Log Devices Device Updates
Portal Access Log Application Services Authenticator Devices
Application Access Log Application Groups Advance User CSV
  • On the Report Subscriptions page, click Add.

  • In the Add Report Subscriptions window, enter the following information:

Name – Enter a name for the report

Reports – Click the drop-down and select one or more reports.

Frequency – Select Once, Daily, Weekly, or Monthly from the drop-down.

Repeat Day – Select day of the week from the drop-down.

Time – Select a time from the drop-down.

Timezone – This is predefined as Asia/Calcutta.

Email Addresses (separated by commas) – Enter one or more email addresses to send the report to.

  • Click Save and Add new.

Sorting the Subscription Profiles

You can sort the list by Email, Reports, Schedule, or Email CC. Click the up/down arrow alongside the headers.

Search Log Profiles

You can search the list by name by entering it in the search box.